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The Bahai Temple in Kampala Uganda

Bahai Temple Uganda

The Bahai temple is located in Kanyanya which is about 3km north of Kampala city center and just about 7km along Gayaza road. It was built on Kikaaya hill which is one of the most prominent hills in Kampala Bahai Temple Kampalahence offering amazing views of the city. The Bahai temple stands tall on a 52-acre piece of land, measures 44 feet wide, 124 feet high and has a dome that is 130 feet high.

The Bahai Temple is situated in a very quiet place and away from the busy Kampala city center. Apart from the main Temple, Uganda boasts of having about 9 other Bahai worship centers around the country with about 1000 followers. Uganda is the only African country among the 8 countries in the world with Baha’i Temples. The other seven countries include Panama, Germany, USA, Chile, India, Australia and Samoa.

History of the Bahai Faith in Uganda and Globally

The history of the Baha’i faith in the world dates back to the year 1844. That was the time when Baha’u’llah  introduced the Bahai faith and produced a lot of literature on it. His name “Baha’u’llah” means God of glory. According to his writings, he states that heaven and hell are not physical places but spiritual. A person attains hell or heaven based on what they did on earth. The Bahai faith was introduced in Uganda in the year 1951 making it one of the earliest Bahai communities in Africa.

The Baha’i Temple was constructed in Uganda from 1958 to 1961. It became the first Bahai Temple in Africa and was dedicated to Ruhiyyih Rabbani who was an author and a prominent guardian of the Bahai faith from 1937 to 1957. About 100 people attended the opening ceremony.

The Baha’i faith faced a lot of challenges in the 1970’s and was one of the few religions that were banned by the then president of Uganda Iddi Amin. The then newly constructed Bahai temple was abandoned during that difficult time but remained well-maintained even when it was no longer under use. A few years (1981) after Iddi Amin was overthrown, the believers returned to the temple to congregate and worship.

The Design and Architecture of the Bahai Temple in Uganda

Bahai temples have striking and unique architecture – the one in Uganda is no different. It was constructed in a unique style and in the shape of an African hut. Mr Shoghi Effendi and Charles Mason Remey were the great architects behind the temple design (final look). Unfortunately, Mr Shoghi did not live long enough to see the complete temple as he died just a month after the temple’s foundation was laid in October 1957. The temple structures were carefully put together with details that depict both spiritual and physical beauty. For example, the conical shaped dome of the temple was made out of tinny mosaic tiles brought from Italy. The multi-colored window glasses were brought from Germany while the lower roof tiles were brought from Belgium. The steel and window frames fittings were brought from Britain while the timbers were got from within Uganda.

The Bahai Temple in Kampala is made up of 9 big pillars and 27 smaller pillars which offer extra support. Did you know that the 9 beautiful doors of the Bahai temple are not just for decoration but signify something very important? The 9 doors facing different directions of the temple represent the 9 religions whose messengers the Bahai followers believe in.

Note: The Bahia Temple in Uganda is one of the top attractions in Kampala City. The quietness surrounding the temple makes it a very conducive place to visit, pray, meditate or just relax in the peaceful lush green gardens. The gardens are well-kept with beautiful flowers and fruit trees. The gardens at the Baha’i Temple are also excellent for family picnics, get-togethers and small parties among others.

What is inside the Bahai Temple in Kampala

When you walk into the Bahai temple in Kampala, you will notice that it is a well-organized worship center. There is a raised platform where church leaders sit and this is similar to the one found in Christian churches. You will find wooden pews that are well arranged in 3 rows. The temple also has bright lights emitting through the giant multi-colored glass plane windows. There are some rules and regulations when visiting the Bahai temple and these include: –

  1. Not taking photographs while inside the temple.
  2. Switching off mobile phones or living them in silent mode so as not to distract other worshipers.
  3. Desisting from taking drugs and alcohol while in the temple.
  4. Refraining from destroying the beautiful plants and flowers growing in the temple gardens.

Prayers at the Bahai Temple in Uganda

About 3 prayer sessions are conducted at the Bahai Temple in Uganda daily. Believers can attend prayers every day of the week. According to the Baha’i faith, there is no specific day of the week for prayers. However, the Bahai followers in Kampala decided that they meet every Sunday for prayers. The Bahai Temple in Uganda usually registers the highest number of attendances during special religious occasions or when remembering the original founders of the faith. On such occasions, children of about 15 years of age and adults who wish to join the faith are officially issued declaration cards. This use of declaration cards is similar to the baptism of Christians. A typical Bahai prayer session is characterized by reading holy scriptures, musical performance of praise and listening to what the church leaders have to say.

Outreach and Impact of the Bahai Temple on Community

The Bahai community in Uganda have established schools and learning centers for children from underprivileged families. Apart from building schools and learning centers, the Bahai community is involved in a number of activities taking place from within and outside the temple premises. For example, the temple organizes frequent children’s classes where they are taught about the Bahai faith and how to be morally upright citizens. During these classes, children are taught about the virtues of kindness, truthfulness and unity among other things. These classes are incorporated with activities like storytelling, quizzes, games, music and dance among others. The Baha’i Temple in Kampala also targets youth in its outreach programs. The Youth are taught to be considerate of others, creative, ambitious while remaining God fearing. The temple keeps the Youth engaged by organizing activities like musical performances, games and sports and art.

What about Adults or seniors? Adults who are already converts are taught more about the Baha’i faith and how to practice it in their daily lives through several courses. During these courses, Temple members are grouped into small manageable groups led by a tutor. The Adult course is divided into 3 segments. The first segment is all about understanding the Bahai sacred literature and why it is important to keep reading them. The second segment is about prayer and its benefits. The third segment focuses on life and death. The Baha’i temple in Uganda also conducts prayer meetings where believers go out to visit each other in their communities. These prayer meetings are an excellent opportunity to encourage each other during difficult times.

Additional Information for Tourists and Visitors

What is the entrance fee to the Bahai Temple in Uganda? There is no entrance fee for visiting the Bahai Temple in Uganda. The Bahai community are discrete about their activities and will not take donations from just about anyone. Visiting the temple can be highly rewarding for religious tourists, birders and those who love nature. Birders can expect to see over 100 species including the grey wood pecker, palm nut vultures, brown parrots, striped kingfisher and red eyed Dove among other birds. Accommodation for Travelers can be found outside the temple compound or within Kampala city. The Bahai temple in Kampala is not only good for religious tourism but also an opportunity to escape away from the noisy and busy Kampala city center.

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